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Searching for Alternative to Castmagic? Podnotes can help

Searching for Alternative to Castmagic? Podnotes can help

Searching for Alternative to Castmagic? Podnotes can help

Searching for Alternative to Castmagic? Podnotes can help

Repurpose Podcasts, Recordings, Media Files & Youtube Videos into High-Quality Content using AI

Repurpose Podcasts, Recordings, Media Files & Youtube Videos into High-Quality Content using AI

Try now for free


Transform Your Ideas into Engaging Content

Everything from the links, all in one place.

Quickly generate concise summaries of content from multiple sources and Unlock curated content ideas derived from the links you provide.


Transform Your Ideas into Engaging Content

Everything from the links, all in one place.

Quickly generate concise summaries of content from multiple sources and Unlock curated content ideas derived from the links you provide.


Transform Your Ideas into Engaging Content

Quickly generate concise summaries of content from multiple sources and Unlock curated content ideas derived from the links you provide.



Feature 1

Feature 1

Feature 1

Feature 1

Feature 1

Feature 1

Feature 1

Feature 1



Olivia Rhye

Olivia Rhye

Other App

Other App

Olivia Rhye

Olivia Rhye

Olivia Rhye

Olivia Rhye

Olivia Rhye

Olivia Rhye

Seamlessly add your Podcasts, Audio & Videos

Simply paste a YouTube URL, choose an episode from an RSS feed, or upload media files.

Instantly generate show-notes, transcripts, summaries, chapters, timestamps, and speaker segreated transcripts.



Speaker Distinction

Create High-Quality Social Media Posts, Blogs & Newsletters

Effortlessly convert your Podcasts, Audio, and Videos into:

  • Tweets & Twitter Threads

  • Engaging LinkedIn Posts

  • Compelling Newsletters for Substack & Beehiiv

  • SEO Optimized Blogs for Medium, Wordpress & more

  • Custom Content Assets

Instagram Caption




Linkedin Post

Grow your audience with Reels & Shorts using Audiograms

Create snippets of your podcast into easily shareable and visually appealing asset to share on instagram, tiktok, youtube shorts


You Create Amazing Podcasts, We'll Help You Reach More Listeners

You Create Amazing Podcasts, We'll Help You Reach More Listeners

You Create Amazing Podcasts, We'll Help You Reach More Listeners

You Create Amazing Podcasts, We'll Help You Reach More Listeners

Your perfect Podcast Assistant with powerful features like Audiogram and Magic Chat

Organize Like a Pro

Organize Like a Pro

Organize Like a Pro

Organize Like a Pro

Organise the podcasts into folders for seamless experience.

Organise the podcasts into folders for seamless experience.

Organise the podcasts into folders for seamless experience.

Organise the podcasts into folders for seamless experience.

Organize Like a Pro

Organize Like a Pro

Organize Like a Pro

Organize Like a Pro

Organise the podcasts into folders for seamless experience.

Organise the podcasts into folders for seamless experience.

Organise the podcasts into folders for seamless experience.

Organise the podcasts into folders for seamless experience.

Organize Like a Pro

Organize Like a Pro

Organize Like a Pro

Organize Like a Pro

Organise the podcasts into folders for seamless experience.

Organise the podcasts into folders for seamless experience.

Organise the podcasts into folders for seamless experience.

Organise the podcasts into folders for seamless experience.

Ready to grow your podcast audience with Podnotes?

Ready to grow your podcast audience with Podnotes?

Ready to grow your podcast audience with Podnotes?

Ready to grow your podcast audience with Podnotes?

Repurpose Podcasts, Recordings, Media Files & Youtube Videos into High-Quality Content using AI

Get started for free

© 2024 — 1811 Labs

© 2024 — 1811 Labs

© 2024 — 1811 Labs

© 2024 — 1811 Labs